What To Know Before Having Total Joint Rapid Recovery Surgery?

New Joints To Improve Your Lifestyle

Joint pain can happen due to wear and tear or arthritis, causing the bone to rub on bone. The rise in joint pain has significantly increased total joint replacements. A total joint replacement (TJR) removes the diseased joint to install prosthetic parts, with close to 1 million completed yearly. Some outpatient clinics provide rapid recovery surgery to accelerate healing and reduce pain.

What is rapid recovery surgery?

Open surgery and minimally invasive surgery are the most common methods of joint replacement. However, both procedures come with pain and extensive downtime. Rapid recovery surgery combines technique and strategy to improve a patient’s healing process significantly. The goal is to manage pain, complete a seamless procedure, and have the patient walk as quickly as possible. If someone is eligible for rapid recovery surgery, there are some crucial details to consider.

The work starts beforehand

Eligible patients start preparing for surgery several weeks before surgery. First, the patient will begin exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joint. The goal is to prepare the muscles for surgery and make physical therapy more effective. Patients also continue with pain management and psychological counseling leading up to surgery. These steps can make a stressful process more manageable.

It’s a group effort

Rapid recovery is a philosophy that involves multiple medical personnel working together. The patient will work with a nurse, surgeon, physical therapist, and pain management team. Each person helps the patient prepare for a smooth progression to the next stage. Before and after surgery, these team members work together to ensure the patient is moving as quickly as possible.

It’s minimally invasive

TJR surgery is performed using minimally invasive methods. The surgeon uses a small incision and an arthroscope to remove the damaged joint. From there, another small incision allows the surgeon to install the prosthesis. With rapid recovery, the patient receives medication before the surgery to help with the pain. Once the new joint is in place, patients can leave outpatient clinics the same day. For hospitals, the stay reduces significantly.

Improved recovery

The medical team encourages the patient to move on the same day. The patient should be able to walk short distances with a walker. The pain should be noticeably less, and the patient should be already familiar with physical therapy. Patients should be able to resume regular activities in just a few weeks. Studies also show that patients have significantly more range of motion with rapid recovery.

Faster recovery, faster movement

A total joint replacement can reduce pain and improve movement but needs extensive recovery time. A rapid recovery process cuts this downtime significantly. Patients start with managing pain and strengthening the joint before the procedure. Once the surgery is over, the recovery process continues. Patients should ask the team as many questions as possible for a smooth experience.


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