The Benefits Of Rapid Recovery Surgery For Hip & Knee Replacement

Understanding Rapid Recovery Surgery

Hip and knee replacement procedures have been happening for years. Every year, surgeons perform more than 750,000 knee replacements alone. Hip and knee replacements mean a surgeon removes damaged bone and cartilage then installs a prosthetic joint. Surgery can come with some unwanted downsides, such ads post-operative pain and a long recovery. Rapid recovery surgery looks to change this norm.

A holistic approach to surgery and recovery

Rapid recovery surgery is not just a technique but a philosophy. This philosophy differs slightly from hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers, but the concept is the same. Rapid recovery consists of 3 stages.

  • Patient education, physical therapy, and exercise which begins before surgery.
  • Minimally invasive surgery for joint replacement along with medication to help with post-operative pain.
  •  Immediate patient recovery protocols, including physical therapy, pain management, and counseling.

The goal is to get the patient moving as quickly as possible while minimizing pain. Rapid recovery changes the way both patients and doctors approach surgery. As a result, there are several key benefits.

Rapid recovery creates stronger joints

There will be a significant focus on physical therapy, strength, and fast rehabilitation. In the weeks leading up to surgery, the patient will begin exercises to support the new joint. Exercises before surgery reduce the chances of complications. After surgery, exercise and physical therapy improve the quality of the implant. Over time, rapid recovery creates stronger joints.

Rapid recovery speeds up the ability to move

One of the goals of rapid recovery is early movement. Patients who receive rapid recovery surgery can start placing weight on the joint within a few hours after surgery. Physical therapy and exercise will help the patients feel more confident to use the new joint. Patients also report more flexibility and strength within the first month of recovery.

It reduces the use of powerful narcotics

Immediately after surgical procedures, most patients will experience even more pain than before. To deal with the pain, some turn to dangerous opioids or epidurals. Rapid recovery uses minimally invasive surgery, meaning 1-2 small incisions. Smaller incisions mean less pain and discomfort. With rapid recovery, surgeons also use a combination of pain medication during the procedure. When the patient wakes up, there is a higher comfort level and a reduced need for drugs.

It improves patient outcomes

Rapid recovery takes a holistic approach which improves the satisfaction rates of patients. The steps taken before, during, and after surgery pays off. Hip and knee replacement patients feel less pain and recover faster. Patient education and counseling address the mental stress of surgery. Pain management during the process means that patients can also start light walking after a few hours with fewer side effects.

Get ready for rapid recovery

Rapid recovery helps to get patients moving as quickly as possible. The advocates for the process understand that there’s more to surgery than the procedure. Rapid recovery covers mental concerns, pain, and rehabilitation simultaneously. The surgeon will perform a detailed check to determine if a patient is a good candidate for rapid recovery. Speak with a surgeon about rapid recovery surgery today.


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