5 Tips For Preventing Joint Inflammation: Dealing With Arthritis In An Active Job

Active Jobs And Arthritis

Some active jobs can have workers moving nonstop for hours on end. For those with arthritis, the resulting joint inflammation can be unbearable. Arthritis is the swelling, tenderness, and inflammation of the joints. There are different forms of the disease, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis the most common conditions. The pain and swelling worsen with age. Since more than 23% of American adults have arthritis, the chances of having an active job are pretty high.

It’s all about management

There is no cure for arthritis. However, people with arthritis can manage the symptoms. Over time, surgery is the only solution. Working with arthritis can be particularly difficult, especially in physical jobs. Workers with arthritis fear losing income and time away from work. Taking preventative measures for joint inflammation is the best course of action. These 5 tips can help.

1. Use NSAIDs when the going gets tough

Sometimes the pain is unavoidable. After working for several hours on end, the joints naturally become swollen. With arthritis, the pain is sometimes amplified tenfold. At this point, medication like NSAIDs can help. These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. NSAIDs block certain enzymes that can cause inflammation. Make sure to take NSAIDs before and during a rigorous workday.

2. Consider an anti-inflammatory diet

Eating a balanced diet can help to prevent joint inflammation. Anti-inflammatory diets provide nutrients that help with joint health and removes foods that cause inflammation. Start by reducing saturated fats, sugars, and processed foods. Add greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. These are known to reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

3. Sleep your way to joint health

Sleep is the body’s way of repairing after an active day. However, most Americans don’t get enough sleep. Working in an active job can mean long hours, which does not help the joints. Research has linked sleep deprivation with a host of disorders, including joint inflammation. Make sure to get between 7-9 hours of sleep per night, removing devices that can interrupt sleep patterns at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

4. Get in a workout

Exercise may sound counterproductive for those with an active job. However, getting in some aerobic exercise and weight training can significantly improve joint pain symptoms. Exercise can help with circulation and strengthen the muscles around joints, giving additional support. Speak with a doctor or personal trainer for the best type and frequency of exercise for joint health.

5. Manage stress as best as possible

An active job can be tiring but also stressful. Research has shown that stress is a trigger of inflammation by increasing factors like cortisol. The stress can move on to other parts of life, which in turn affects arthritis. Managing stress can help with arthritic pain in the long run. Speak with a healthcare professional to address underlying personal issues. Activities like meditation, yoga, and massage can bring more significant states of calm and less joint pain.

Keep your joint inflammation at bay

Arthritis can significantly impact work performance and place more strain on joints. The result can be hours of pain and thousands in medical bills. Taking preventative steps can be difficult at first, but the payoff is exceptional. Focus on doing the things that reduce pain and avoid activities that contribute to arthritis. More importantly, get an assessment from a doctor to find the best ways to remain active while treating arthritis.


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