Diagnosing Heavy Bleeding: How Long Is Recovery After A D&C Hysteroscopy?

More Than A Period

Women experience heavy bleeding during menstruation from time to time. Without a doubt, the feeling can be debilitating, inconvenient, and impactful to everyday life. But when the situation becomes chronic, there could be underlying health factors at play. Sometimes, a doctor may need to perform D&C hysteroscopy. Before that stage, the doctor must diagnose the cause of heavy bleeding.

What’s causing this heavy bleeding?

Heavy bleeding can be subjective. However, doctors define heavy bleeding as more than 80ml of blood per cycle. Regardless, any reports of heavy bleeding must be taken seriously. There could be several reasons for irregular bleeding, like weight and stress. However, there are physical conditions that can cause heavy bleeding, including:

  • Fibroids or uterine polyps
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Menopause
  • Complications with pregnancy
  • Hormonal imbalances

Using D&C hysteroscopy for more details

The doctor will ask a range of questions to rule out any issues. If the doctor suspects a more serious condition, a D&C hysteroscopy is a possible option. The dilation and curettage hysteroscopy process acts as both test and treatment. The procedure involves two steps. First, the doctor or OB/GYN will use instruments to access the cervix. Then, a small tool clears the excess uterine lining causing the heavy bleeding. Secondly, the doctor uses a lighted scope to view the inside of the uterine lining. This helps determine if there are any anomalies. A sample may be taken to test for cancer.

A lightning-quick recovery

The procedure takes less than an hour and usually has no complications. Recovery happens within 2-3 days but can be longer according to the health of the patient. After the procedure, expect a bit of fatigue due to the blood loss. Women may also feel cramping and back pain for a few days. Expect some bleeding and blood clots passing through the vagina. Most women can go back to everyday life after that time but will need to manage the side effects.

Follow these recovery steps

Be sure to follow any instructions from the doctor for a healthy recovery. Take doctor-prescribed or recommended medication for pain. Make sure to disclose any medication, so the doctor can advise if the drug is safe. Rest as needed, but make sure to resume daily activities when comfortable. The doctor will recommend against intercourse or douching for at least one week. After recovery, patients may have a follow-up visit to discuss the next steps or to review results.

Address heavy bleeding today

A D&C hysteroscopy is an excellent way to get to the root of heavy bleeding. There could be a range of reasons behind the condition. The test can confirm the root cause and even treat some issues. The recovery time is short, only 2-3 days. However, the recovery depends on self-care and doctor’s instructions. Speak with a doctor if heavy bleeding is impacting quality of life.


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